Elements Care

Welcome to Elements Care

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Our Services

Elements Care is a provider of high-quality registered children’s homes based in West Yorkshire. We support children and young people aged 5 to 17 years with complex needs. We are passionate about ensuring that each child feels that they are loved, valued and respected. We aim to recreate experiences that children may have missed out on within a family setting.

Our primary aim is to enable every child we support to reach their full potential. We believe that recognising the uniqueness and individuality of every child is the key to a truly child centred service. We believe that with each child, we have an opportunity to inspire, shape and change their lives, to help them achieve much more.

What makes us special?

We support our children in small family style homes which offer stability, security and the chance to thrive and build lasting relationships.

Learn about our homes

Situated in Shipley, West Yorkshire, a highly regarded residential location with access to excellent schools, colleges and green spaces.

Parent or carer?

We care about your goals and aspirations for your young ones. Every young person is important to us, find out why.

Child centered care

We make the young person or child the priority of their own future and decisions

Working together

Creating partnerships with families, social workers, and other professionals.

Custom Bespoke Plans

Each care plan is tailored to each individual child

Specialised Care

Care for Children & Young Persons